Silly Faces Featured Products Shown Below
Congratulations on being a finalist in the Rosie Network Entrepreneurial Awards!
Click here or on Nobodiesartwork above to see the video!
Our products are found on Amazon, Cafepress and Smashwords
Our mission is to bring a touch of bright humor and fun, with a mix of creative thinking to challenge the mind and bring joy to the heart, for all our Silly Faces product fans. Our colorful and unique trading cards, books, wall art and mugs, are very basic and simple fun for children of every age.
It's fun to be silly!
I think they are way cool!
I'm a bird and I love them.
Michael Richard Craig
Illustrator and Author
Silly Faces products bring a touch of bright humor and fun mixed with creative challenging thinking. Kids of all ages will enjoy and find pleasure in our books, wall art, trading cards and mugs. A great interesting alternative to the internet world.
Home - D'Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families (syracuse.edu)